Pink & Teal

nordstrom, smashbox lipstick in publicist, brown hair, beachwaver curls

I’ve always loved teal accessories. The color goes so well with basic white and black, and it matches really nicely with my eye color. I really love all blues and greens, but besides navy, this is my favorite to wear. And, recently, I’ve fallen in love with bright pink lipstick, and I can’t stop pairing the two. Here, I’m wearing Smashbox matte lipstick in Publicist, and these beautiful, round earrings a friend gave me for my birthday last year. I also added another touch of pink with my nail color, which is OPI Can You Spare a French Quarter from the New Orleans Collection. 

nordstrom, smashbox lipstick in publicist, brown hair, beachwaver curls 
Another current obsession of mine are these faux leather leggings. They are from Nordstrom, and they have become a constant in life. They are so comfortable and flattering, and long enough for me at 5’11”. And, they won’t break the bank with their $28 price tag. A MUST buy! I bought two pair! 
Nordstrom booties, black on black, Nordstrom style

My top and booties are also from Nordstrom. I love the style and shape of this blouse, and the booties are very cute and comfortable. I have no issues walking around the city in them all day!

nordstrom, smashbox lipstick in publicist, brown hair, beachwaver curls, michael kors watch

And to round out this outfit, the only other accessories I added were my Michael Kors watch and this black, leather clutch that I purchased from Ann Taylor a couple years ago. Sometimes less is more!

T Tahari Blouse (here) | Nordstrom Leggings (here) | Similar earrings (here) and (here) | Kate Spade Watch (here) | Similar Clutch (here) and (here) | OPI Nail Polish (here) | Smashbox Lipstick (here)